Saturday, April 14, 2007

Going back to school

You know me and my friend were talking yesterday and I came up with a weird conclusion that makes me seem even more paranoid to people then I already am. I always seem to be thinking everybody is in a conspiracy against me but so far I have always been right but I still give people the benefit of the doubt which is a contradictory to the fact that I just said I always think people are trying to get me but anyways, I said to my friend I was sick all week and I haven't been to any of my classes and that reminded me of the times I've been sick in High school and I thought to my self. Why is it when ever you don't come to school for a few days and then you go back the school always seems so different? I don't know if any of you have noticed this but after I am sick then I get better then go back to school the place looks completely different. They have new paint on all the walls a new section of the school is built and the Spanish guy who sits behind me has turned Chinese along with 4 other members of my old class. I get so weirded out by this I feel as if the school and all the students came together in a plot to trick me into thinking I walked into the wrong building so they can get rid of me. You know when you walk into a wrong building specially something that you are supposed to know you don't ask anyone you just walk out so you don't look stupid. I may be just weird and paranoid but this holds some truth let me know what you think.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

New Vid coming soon

I'm in the process of making a new video. It's gonna take me sometime to do it I want to make this one a little more professional meaning it will have a script and over paid actors(kidding with the overpaid part they won't be paid at all) and I'm going to need a couple of props and a camera man because I can't be in the video and film it at the same time(my face is in every scene) but after i get the semantics sorted out then i will start production then editing the release it to all my fans which happens to be very few(if any) but I do it for the fun not for the fame so stay tuned who ever is reading this and get ready to be amazed Isaac.S a.k.a Snacks is on the Jon